2025年5月サントリーホールにて、世界的作曲家・指揮者ヨハン・デ・メイより献呈を受けた《ドビュッシー=デ・メイ:神聖な舞曲と世俗的な舞曲》管弦楽版の世界初演ソリストを務める(デ・メイ指揮/東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団)。これまでにスロヴェニア国防軍オーケストラ、九州管楽合奏団など国内外のオーケストラと共演を重ね、2022年より浜離宮朝日ホール主催リサイタルを定期的に開催。2024年ブルグミュラー《ハープのためのロンド》(op.1)日本初演。「彼女は私にソロ楽器としてのハープの持つ大いなる可能性に気付かせ、その手法の新たなステージへと導いた」(ヨハン・デ・メイ)、「彼女のバッハは私の踊りをより豊かなものにする」(パトリック・ド・バナ)など多方面の一流アーティストからの支持も厚く、「ペダルの複雑さをものともせず、豊かな撥弦、十全なテクニックと音色の変化、流れるような展開で見事な演奏」(真嶋雄大/音楽の友)など主要誌からも高く評価されている。CDはこれまでにキングインターナショナルよりリリース他、スヴェトラーナ・ザハロワとの《瀕死の白鳥》、作曲作品に《イギリス国歌の主題による変奏曲》(彬子女王殿下ご臨席のもと御前演奏)、またHarp Column Music(アメリカ)より編曲譜を出版するなど幅広い活動を展開している。

In May 2025 at Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Megumi Nakamura will give the world-premiere performance of “Danse sacrée et Danse profane” for harp and orchestra by Debussy/De Meij - specially arranged for and dedicated to her by the world-renowned composer/conductor Johan de Meij - with Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by de Meij himself. She has internationally appeared as soloist with orchestras including Slovenia Armed Forces Orchestra and Kyushu Wind Orchestra, and annually given recitals at prestigious Hamarikyu Asahi Hall in Tokyo since 2022. In 2024’s recital she Japan-premiered “Rondo” by Burgmüller (op.1) originally written for harp, and it received rave reviews from major critics including “Complex pedalling never seems to be a problem for her…It was a superb recital given by lavish sound-projection, flawless technique and a variety of timbres with such smooth development” (Ontomo Magazine). That same year she took part in recording for the world-wide album “Johan de Meij : Casanova” as soloist, in which de Meij hailed her as “She has taken me to a completely new stage where I see much greater possibilities for the harp as solo instrument”. In collaboration with ballet-dancers, she has performed “The Dying Swan” with Svetlana Zakharova a number of times, and Patrick de Bana praised her playing of Bach as “She made my dance so emotional”. As for solo recording she has released two critically acclaimed albums on King International label. In 2023 she performed her own composition “Variations on a Theme of God Save the King” for Her Imperial Highness Princess Akiko, and has made a wide range of arrangements for harp which she publishes from the Harp Column Music (HCM) in the United States.